Chris Wilkens

Current:Chief Product Officer at Tremor Technologies.
DBLP:Christopher A Wilkens
Google Scholar:Christopher A Wilkens

Image Credit: Bill Zhao

Journal Publications

Devanur, N, Jain, K, Sivan, B and Wilkens, C, Near Optimal Online Algorithms and Fast Approximation Algorithms for Resource Allocation Problems. Journal of the ACM, accepted with minor revision.
[show abstract]

Wilkens, C, and Sivan, B, Single-Call Mechanisms. ACM Transactions on Economics and ComComputation 3(2): 10 (2015).
[show abstract] [] [arXiv]

Conference Publications

Wilkens, C, Cavallo, R, and Niazadeh, R, GSP --- The Cinderella of Mechanism Design. In the 26th International World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2017.
[show abstract]

Cavallo, R, Krishnamurthy, P, Sviridenko, M, and Wilkens, C, Sponsored Search Auctions for Rich Ads. In the 26th International World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2017.

Tzamos, C, and Wilkens, C, Anonymous Auctions Maximizing Revenue. In the 12th Conference on Web and Internet Economics, WINE 2016.
[show abstract] [SpringerLink] [arXiv]

Nizadeh, R, and Wilkens, C, Competitive Equilibria for Non-quasilinear Bidders in Combinatorial Auctions. In the 12th Conference on Web and Internet Economics, WINE 2016.
[show abstract] [SpringerLink] [arXiv]

Cavallo, R, and Wilkens, C, GSP with General Independent Click-Through Rates. In the 10th Conference on Web and Internet Economics, WINE 2014.
[show abstract] [arXiv]

Hoy, D, Jain, K, and Wilkens, C, A Dynamic Axiomatic Approach to First-Price Auctions. In the 14th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, EC 2013.
[show abstract] [arXiv]

Wilkens, C, and Sivan, B, Single-Call Mechanisms. In the 13th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, EC 2012.
[show abstract] [] [paper] [arXiv]

Devanur, N, Jain, K, Sivan, B and Wilkens, C, Near Optimal Online Algorithms and Fast Approximation Algorithms for Resource Allocation Problems. In the 12th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, EC 2011.
[show abstract] [] [paper]

Papadimitriou, C and Wilkens, C, Economies with Non-Convex Production and Complexity Equilibria. In the 12th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, EC 2011.
[show abstract] [] [paper]

Wilkens, C, Market Communication in Production Economies. In the 6th Workshop on Internet and Network Economics, WINE 2010.
[show abstract] [SpringerLink] [slides]

Wilkens, C, The Complexity of Models of International Trade. In the 5th Workshop on Internet and Network Economics, WINE 2009.
[show abstract] [SpringerLink] [paper] [slides]

Workshop Publications

Cavallo, R, Krishnamurthy, P and Wilkens, C, On the Truthfulness of GSP. In the 11th Ad Auction Workshop.

Cavallo, R, Thakurta, G, and Wilkens, C, Permutation Invariant Learning and Dynamic Mechanism Design. In the 11th Ad Auction Workshop.

Tzamos, C and Wilkens, C, The Value of Knowing Your Enemy. In the 11th Ad Auction Workshop.
[show abstract] [arXiv]

Hoy, D, Jain, K, and Wilkens, C, Coopetitive Ad Auctions. In the 9th Ad Auction Workshop.
[show abstract] [arXiv]

Working Papers and Manuscripts

Wilkens, C, Cavallo, R, and Niazadeh, R, Mechanism Design for Value Maximizers.
[show abstract] [arXiv]

Cavallo, R, Thakurta, A, and Wilkens, C, Dynamic Single Parameter Mechanism Design.
[show abstract]

Jain, K, and Wilkens, C, eBay's Market Intermediation Problem.
[show abstract] [arXiv]


Wilkens, C, Economics and Computation: Ad Auctions and Other Stories.
[show abstract] [thesis] [dissertation talk]

In the Past...

Research Scientist in Yahoo Labs/Yahoo Advertising Sciences

Advised by Christos Papadimitriou
Theoretical Computer Science Group
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of California at Berkeley

I helped organize the UC Berkeley EconCS Seminar.